The modernization calculator is an intuitive and simple self-service tool for users, collecting their properties’ data to provide orientation with regards to a very complex topic. It shows suitable measures of modernization for the user’s property and provides an estimation of possible costs, funding options and energy saving stats. User can generate their very own personal plan of modernization.
The tool is part of a bigger picture modernization experience withseveral other digital tasks and tools I am involved in.
Product Development
Project Goal
The modernization calculator has two goals: giving users an easy access to the modernization topic by guiding them through a simple, understandable and straight forward click path and providing them with the information they are looking for – possible suitable modernization measures for their personal property.
Providing Sparkasse with a sales lead tool by showing its users a rough budget for their planned modernization and offering support in financing and funding opportunities or general modernization advice.
Documentation Board in Mira with Insights from Interviews with Sparkassen Consultants
Customer Journey Modernization Process for Customers at Sparkasse
My Role
As the leading UX-Designer on the project I oversee the product development process regarding UX, bringing together requirements from different stakeholders within the project.
I am responsible for planning and conducting research such as interviews, focus groups, questionnaires, and usability tests.
In addition to research and management tasks, I map customer journeys, create concepts, wireframes, mockups, and simple prototypes. I manage junior designers on the team and work closely with product managers and developers to aim for the best possible product outcome and on-time delivery.
The Team
Approximately 60 people inlucing: UX Designers (3), UI Designers (2), Frontend Developers, Backend Developers, SEO & Data, Quality Managers, POs, Project Managers, Content Strategists, Content Editors, plus plenty of stakeholders
The Approach
Developing a MVP – advancing the product with every sprint, by adding new features and components, optimizing features, design and content through research insights. Dailies, groomings, JourFixes with the functional service provider, focus groups and Co-Creation sessions with stakeholders are part of the projects’ process. Running through the four phases again and again with each further stage.
Phase 01 - Discover
In the Discovery phase we developed an understanding of the complex topic of energetic modernization, the projects‘ setup, target users‘ & stakeholders‘ requirements and the market.
Benchmarking, Collecting Requirements, Business Goals, Project Goals, Customer Goals, Data (SEO, Google Analytics), Customer Journey Mapping
Identifying needs, pains and desires ( Interviews with Consultants of Sparkasse, Desk Research, Interviews with end-users) Planning and conducting user research, Desk Research, Competitor Analysis and UX-Reviews, becoming acquainted with the topic of energetic modernization.
Phase 02 - Define
In the second stage we defined the core problems and opportunities the project offers. Working closely with stakeholders in focus groups and Co-Creation sessions helped us shape the product vision. We analyzed the data collected, identified key touch- and pain points and prioritized the most critical user needs.
This involved in example mapping user journeys at the status quo for different users and transferring it into a to-be user journey in order to pin point services, tasks and tools missing. It helped us forming a clear understanding of the target audiences (end-users and consultants), their challenges and to define requirements.
Digging Deeper
Looking into interesting findings of the initial research and digging deeper identify ideas
Involving Clients and Partners
Focus Groups, Co-Creation Sessions and Checkpoints to review ideas and requirements with our service partner and energy-experts
Phase 03 - Develop
We focused on generating and iterating potential solutions. Sketching ideas within our team of designers, prototyping, testing, and refining concepts to ensure they effectively address the user needs and business goals. I introduced design reviews with our dev team to evaluate feasibility at an early stage.
Sketching ideas and wireframes, Finalizing concepts, checkpoints with Devs to evaluate ideas before UI Design phase
Acceptance criteria, Accessibility, Initial state and enhancements
Phase 04 - Test
Being responsible for planning and conducting all user research on this project, I validated our design and product with constant testing; to identify potential for optimization and measuring the satisfaction of our target user groups and making sure the tool is easy to use and understandable for both: end-users and consultants at Sparkasse.
KPIs build the ground of a good product. Moreover they are a great tool to convince stakeholders in which direction a product or service should be developed when wanting to meet business goals.
One thing I integrated is the customer satisfaction score CSAT as well as a short questionnaire integrated within the E-Mail customers receive when requesting the plan of modernization. The aim to meet an average around 70-80 in the CSAT.
Conclusion &
Key Takeaways
With the current live version of the product, we have realized the MVP version, which provides end-users and Sparkassen consultants with an initial indication of possible modernization measures, savings, and costs. Breaking down a complex topic into a set of simple questions and screens is a step in the right direction.
We are now working on new features, extending the number of modernization measures to be more precise in our calculations.
Additionally, we are optimizing the existing design and patterns, which we challenged in the first stage of design, and research has shown that there are adaptations to be made.
This project has proven to me once again how important user research is. It isn’t only there to validate the usability or acceptance of a product – research can be very convincing proof of what users want, desire, and need. It is often the key argument to convince stakeholders, even when dealing with a large and challenging group. Additionally, I enjoy the oversight and guidance of colleagues on the team, holding the reins between the PO, developers, and the design team. My role on this project enabled me to take the driving seat.
Key Takeways
Finding a least common denominator can be challenging